Hi, I have read various already posted queries regarding this topic but they all seem to be years old. I have the software open now and cannot find the import 360 option so assume this feature is not yet implemented?
I am a land surveyor who also conducts measured building surveys currently with a 3D scanner. Looking at Cupix & Matterport there would appear to be an opportunity to save a chunk of time on site from each project by using a 360 camera. These software packages are aimed at estate agents and so not suit the requirements of a surveyor.
I’d like to use a RICOH Theta on a tripod with remote shoot internally. I am not usually interested in much the detail inside and just need to capture the structure. Externally I’d prefer highly detail elevations so could use my Canon EOS on a rotational rig.
If this feature was available in Capturing Reality I’d be using the software practically every week.
I didn’t, not in RC anyway. I drilled into the accuracy from Matterport tech support, they wouldn’t express it in real terms so the quoted 1% stands which I can only take as +/- 1% so 10mm in a Metre or 50mm across a 5m room. Plus one has to take a lot more photos per room than is needed with a scanner so the time saving is diminished for less reliable data.
I tinkered with the settings on my scanner and reduced the resolution of internal scans for an approx time saving of 50% (non colour). Mostly my projects are domestic dwellings so this works well, the data still registers plane to plane and it’s enough to model the walls, doors etc. The 3D scan view is a bit fudgey but good enough.
Externally I am trying to colourise the sans for better clarity when drawing the elevations. The scanner camera takes forever so I am using a Canon on a nodal ninja rig, I haven’t quite got this right yet plus the pano stitching is time consuming so I am still considering the Ricoh for a one click solution.
The ultimate would be able to take a full building mesh (photos + scan data) from RC and import into Revit without my workstation setting on fire or mouse turning into a lead weight.
As a land surveyor, now that RC’s cost is about the same as AM, the only thing stopping me from buying a a full RC licence rather than a full AM licence is RC’s apparent lack of support for Spherical cameras (or at least the 180 degree images form them). The quality of the images from my Ricoh theta Z1 and the ability in the most recent version of Photoshop to easily mask out the sky would make this a very useful feature to me.
My use case is the survey of outdoor linear features such as building facades, fences, walls, hedges. I am not really interested in a full sphere, but I am interested in using the un-stitched raw images from just one lens which will _always _be perpendicular to the linear feature being surveyed.
I have added everyone in this post to the feature request, if anyone else would find this feature useful please post here and I will also add you, the more people, the higher the priority.